Other Farmer Resources - Indiana Corn and Soy

Other Farmer Resources

PARP Credit Payments

ISA and ICMC are committed to supporting corn and soybean farmers by sponsoring their $10 PARP credit fee through Purdue Extension in 2022 and 2023. Contact Melanie Batalis to request a sponsorship form for your next PARP event.

Learn more about other checkoff initiatives in one spot

Array ( => acf/card-polaroid => Polaroid Card => A polaroid card for use in the cards block. => adapt-dev-content-widget-blocks => => preview => Array ( => cards => card style => child ) => Array ( => Array ( => full ) => => 1 => 1 ) => Array ( ) => Array ( => postId => postType ) => /home/incornandsoy/public_html/staging.incornandsoy.org/wp-content/themes/adaptdev_child/template-parts/blocks/cards/card-polaroid.php => => => => => Array ( => acf/polaroid-cards ) => full => Array ( => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => object => Array ( ) ) => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => string => ) ) => 2 [acf_block_version] => 1 => Array ( => 7500 [_image] => field_62a799e5d7655 => Array ( => Learn More => https://www.ncga.com/key-issues/other-topics/carbon-markets => _blank => Learn More ) [_link] => field_62a90c938cf18 ) => block_5f00d1863b319b0d4762216286a1dee7 )


National Corn Growers Association Carbon Market Resources

NCGA has started a repository of educational resources aimed at helping farmers get ahead of the carbon market learning curve.

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Array ( => acf/card-polaroid => Polaroid Card => A polaroid card for use in the cards block. => adapt-dev-content-widget-blocks => => preview => Array ( => cards => card style => child ) => Array ( => Array ( => full ) => => 1 => 1 ) => Array ( ) => Array ( => postId => postType ) => /home/incornandsoy/public_html/staging.incornandsoy.org/wp-content/themes/adaptdev_child/template-parts/blocks/cards/card-polaroid.php => => => => => Array ( => acf/polaroid-cards ) => full => Array ( => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => object => Array ( ) ) => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => string => ) ) => 2 [acf_block_version] => 1 => Array ( => 7602 [_image] => field_62a799e5d7655 => Array ( => Learn More => https://www.ncga.com/get-involved/national-corn-yield-contest => _blank => Learn More ) [_link] => field_62a90c938cf18 ) => block_6123261dc086bb8625e36cb262ca7e16 )


National Corn Yield Contest

The NCGA National Corn Yield Contest is an annual tradition that dates back to 1965 for highest corn yield by categories.

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Array ( => acf/card-polaroid => Polaroid Card => A polaroid card for use in the cards block. => adapt-dev-content-widget-blocks => => preview => Array ( => cards => card style => child ) => Array ( => Array ( => full ) => => 1 => 1 ) => Array ( ) => Array ( => postId => postType ) => /home/incornandsoy/public_html/staging.incornandsoy.org/wp-content/themes/adaptdev_child/template-parts/blocks/cards/card-polaroid.php => => => => => Array ( => acf/polaroid-cards ) => full => Array ( => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => object => Array ( ) ) => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => string => ) ) => 2 [acf_block_version] => 1 => Array ( => 7605 [_image] => field_62a799e5d7655 => Array ( => LEARN MORE => https://marketviewdb.unitedsoybean.org/ => => ) [_link] => field_62a90c938cf18 ) => block_18b0bb3f5aa769d9e5467f5ff355dff7 )


Market View

The Market View Database is the go-to source for supply and demand facts and figures of the entire soybean industry.

Array ( => acf/card-polaroid => Polaroid Card => A polaroid card for use in the cards block. => adapt-dev-content-widget-blocks => => preview => Array ( => cards => card style => child ) => Array ( => Array ( => full ) => => 1 => 1 ) => Array ( ) => Array ( => postId => postType ) => /home/incornandsoy/public_html/staging.incornandsoy.org/wp-content/themes/adaptdev_child/template-parts/blocks/cards/card-polaroid.php => => => => => Array ( => acf/polaroid-cards ) => full => Array ( => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => object => Array ( ) ) => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => string => ) ) => 2 [acf_block_version] => 1 => Array ( => 7496 [_image] => field_62a799e5d7655 => Array ( => Learn More => https://soybeanresearchinfo.com/ => _blank => Learn More ) [_link] => field_62a90c938cf18 ) => block_1152cae31f0ddde17f5d097e1ce81174 )


Soybean Research Information Network (SRIN)

Curated summaries and highlights of the latest soy checkoff research in diseases, pests, diagnostic tools and more.

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Array ( => acf/card-polaroid => Polaroid Card => A polaroid card for use in the cards block. => adapt-dev-content-widget-blocks => => preview => Array ( => cards => card style => child ) => Array ( => Array ( => full ) => => 1 => 1 ) => Array ( ) => Array ( => postId => postType ) => /home/incornandsoy/public_html/staging.incornandsoy.org/wp-content/themes/adaptdev_child/template-parts/blocks/cards/card-polaroid.php => => => => => Array ( => acf/polaroid-cards ) => full => Array ( => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => object => Array ( ) ) => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => string => ) ) => 2 [acf_block_version] => 1 => Array ( => 7607 [_image] => field_62a799e5d7655 => Array ( => Learn More => https://iwilltakeaction.com/ => _blank => Learn More ) [_link] => field_62a90c938cf18 ) => block_9b02600433bd95782a27534ccf9a6c43 )


Take Action

Helps farmers manage herbicide, fungicide and insect resistance to reduce the impacts of resistant pests and preserve current and future crop protection technology.

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Array ( => acf/card-polaroid => Polaroid Card => A polaroid card for use in the cards block. => adapt-dev-content-widget-blocks => => preview => Array ( => cards => card style => child ) => Array ( => Array ( => full ) => => 1 => 1 ) => Array ( ) => Array ( => postId => postType ) => /home/incornandsoy/public_html/staging.incornandsoy.org/wp-content/themes/adaptdev_child/template-parts/blocks/cards/card-polaroid.php => => => => => Array ( => acf/polaroid-cards ) => full => Array ( => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => object => Array ( ) ) => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => string => ) ) => 2 [acf_block_version] => 1 => Array ( => 7608 [_image] => field_62a799e5d7655 => Array ( => LEARN MORE => https://sniglobal.org/ => => ) [_link] => field_62a90c938cf18 ) => block_8fe4796dcb4c84f595d705f7fe8afb74 )


The Soy Nutrition Institute

Provides evidence-based information on the impact of soybeans and soy components on human health.

Array ( => acf/card-polaroid => Polaroid Card => A polaroid card for use in the cards block. => adapt-dev-content-widget-blocks => => preview => Array ( => cards => card style => child ) => Array ( => Array ( => full ) => => 1 => 1 ) => Array ( ) => Array ( => postId => postType ) => /home/incornandsoy/public_html/staging.incornandsoy.org/wp-content/themes/adaptdev_child/template-parts/blocks/cards/card-polaroid.php => => => => => Array ( => acf/polaroid-cards ) => full => Array ( => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => object => Array ( ) ) => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => string => ) ) => 2 [acf_block_version] => 1 => Array ( => 7372 [_image] => field_62a799e5d7655 => Array ( => Download => /wp-content/uploads/2023/06/CornCheckoffRefundApp042221.pdf => _blank => Download ) [_link] => field_62a90c938cf18 ) => block_1887c57888b1d5ee769290a987c9ba9d )





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