About ISA - Indiana Corn and Soy

About ISA

The Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA), recognized by the Secretary of U.S. Department of Agriculture as a Qualified State Soybean Board, is a statewide organization that serves Indiana soybean farmers through checkoff, membership and policy programs.

ISA works with two national soybean organizations, United Soybean Board (checkoff) and American Soybean Association (policy), to meet demand, develop new uses for soy products, expand export markets and develop national policy.

Indiana’s soybean checkoff supports research, promotion and educational programs to increase demand, expand markets and find new uses for soybeans.

What’s the Soybean Checkoff?

Each soybean farmer contributes 0.5% of the net market price for each bushel of soybeans sold. Half of the collected funds are administered by the United Soybean Board (USB) and the other half is distributed to, and managed by, the ISA board of directors. ISA is recognized by the Secretary of U.S. Department of Agriculture as a Qualified State Soybean Board, as defined in the Soybean Promotion & Research Act, for the state of Indiana to manage the Indiana soybean checkoff program.

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Our Mission is Your Success

The Indiana Soybean Alliance works to improve the viability of soybean farmers and industry partners.

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Our Vision is to Push the Industry Forward

The Indiana Soybean Alliance will be a leading resource for Indiana agriculture.

ISA puts your Indiana checkoff to work with its investments into programs bringing strong return back to the farm

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Provides practical and applicable research by investing in on-farm programs and supporting research partnerships like those with Purdue University

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Promotes new and expanding markets, including soy-based products, such as soy crayons, concrete sealer and soy wax, all of which originated from Indiana soybean checkoff efforts, and ensuring Indiana soybeans have a viable market with Indiana’s livestock

Array ( => acf/card-polaroid => Polaroid Card => A polaroid card for use in the cards block. => adapt-dev-content-widget-blocks => => preview => Array ( => cards => card style => child ) => Array ( => Array ( => full ) => => 1 => 1 ) => Array ( ) => Array ( => postId => postType ) => /home/incornandsoy/public_html/staging.incornandsoy.org/wp-content/themes/adaptdev_child/template-parts/blocks/cards/card-polaroid.php => => => => => Array ( => acf/polaroid-cards ) => full => Array ( => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => object => Array ( ) ) => Array ( => string => ) => Array ( => string => ) ) => 2 [acf_block_version] => 1 => Array ( => 7328 [_image] => field_62a799e5d7655 => [_link] => field_62a90c938cf18 ) => block_fe65a7e6ea492cf3a12e089c4211e0ac )


Educates consumers on important topics like the impacts of poor rural infrastructure to our industry and the state

Membership & Policy

The purpose of ISA’s Membership and Policy Committee is to represent Indiana soybean farmers on critical and regulatory issues affecting the soybean industry. Membership dues are used to fund membership and policy programs through corporate partner programs. No soybean checkoff funds can be used to fund the membership and policy area efforts.

ISA Board Leadership




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