Stay Safe on the Farm - Indiana Corn and Soy

Stay Safe on the Farm

Colten Howard’s Story

Anita Howard is on a mission to save lives after losing her 18-year-old son last year. Colten Howard died in a grain bin accident in Waveland in 2019. Waveland is about 45 miles northeast of Terre Haute. She says her goal is simple.

“Now it is my mission to save one life,” Anita said. “If I can save one family of a child from having to go through the grief that my family is going through, then my mission will be accomplished.”

Howard says her son never would have imagined something like this could happen to him. That’s why she wants other farmers to know the danger, so they can always go home to their families. It took emergency crews almost nine hours to recover Colten’s body inside a grain bin at Ramsay Farms in Waveland. Since then, Howard has been on a mission to spread awareness on grain bin safety and also created this video to highlight the dangers of grain bin entrapment.

Since Colten’s passing, Howard has reached out to other mothers and families who have gone through the same heartbreak. She expressed that in her road to recovery, speaking out is what makes her feel like she is making a difference.

“We are all mommas on a mission, to bring awareness and to save lives.”

Colten and Anita

Farm Safety Links

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