Indiana Soybean Alliance calls for candidates for 2020 board elections - Indiana Corn and Soy

Indiana Soybean Alliance calls for candidates for 2020 board elections

Posted: January 3, 2020
Category: Press Releases

Contact: Dave Blower Jr. at 317-644-0980;


INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Jan. 30, 2020) — The Indiana Soybean Alliance (ISA) is calling for farmer leaders to join a 24-member board that is responsible for annually investing Indiana’s soybean checkoff funds in programs that benefit biofuels, livestock production, grain marketing, environmental research, new uses, aquaculture programs and more.

The ISA Board of Directors represents nearly 24,000 soybean farmers in Indiana who contribute their dollars through the checkoff program, and it manages soybean farmer investments. Applications for the 2020 election are due by Friday, March 6.

  • District 1- One open seat and one seat up for re-election
  • District 2- Two seats up for re-election
  • District 3- Two seats up for re-election
  • District 4- Two seats up for re-election


Each candidate must meet these requirements:

  • Has paid into the federal soybean checkoff within the last two years.
  • Certify ownership or share ownership and risk of loss of soybeans
  • Completes a director expectation statement and returns it to ISA by March 6, 2020


Go online to to learn more about serving as an ISA director or to download a director expectation statement. For more information, call Hannah Vorsilak, ISA Director of Education & Training, at 317-644-2791. The ISA will distribute election ballots to soybean farmers by mail in June 2020. ISA will announce election results by late July 2020.


The Indiana Soybean Alliance works to enhance the viability of Indiana soybean farmers through the effective and efficient investment of soybean checkoff funds and the development of sound policies that protect and promote the interest of Indiana soybean farmers. The ISA is working to build new markets for soybeans through the promotion of biodiesel, livestock, grain marketing, aquaculture, new soybean uses and research. ISA is led by an elected farmer board that directs investments of the soybean checkoff funds on behalf of more than 24,000 Indiana soybean farmers and promotes policies on behalf of the ISA’s 700 dues-paying members. Visit for more information.


This communication was funded with Indiana soybean checkoff dollars.






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